Fuse II (reposted from Facebook)

As I mentioned in my prior entry, Fuse I & II are a two-song musical suite, the continuation of a single story. And while Fuse I is a waltz-time creepy ballad, Fuse II really swings in the big band style. I don't know that I have any interesting "making of" stories for this one: Adam did his part (keyboards and composing the horns section) in England; Steve Jankowski played horns; Jacque improvised a kick-ass bass line that he nailed in just a couple of takes; and Paul's drums probably took the longest to record, because of the jazz influence and because, well, it was just a damned hard piece to nail. But I'd say he got it done in under an hour. Listen especially closely to the interplay of the piano and drums in the instrumental interlude in the middle. FUSE PART II He was so charming, his eyes so blue and so disarming: you were subdued. Now you cower to avoid his unpredictable wrath Because no one thinks to question such a cheerful psychopath. There's no use in trying to mollify him or trying to resist. He only knows the song of his own anger, only knows the power of his fist Against your cheekbones, won't stop 'til there's a bruise. No one quite believes you when you say the man's got a short fuse. He's got charisma and smarts in spades. Mercy and empathy are not his stock in trade. But you're wearing those dark glasses when there ain't no sun. You're made of flesh, not armor, and that man's a loaded gun. There's no use in trying to mollify him or trying to resist. He only knows the song of his own anger, only knows the power of his fist Against your cheekbones, won't stop 'til there's a bruise. No one quite believes you when you say the man's got a short fuse. And he'll burn right through your life, girl, and dance upon your grave When he knows nobody's watching. Otherwise he'll be wearing a brave Face for all the mourners, surprised you took that fall Down a steep and narrow staircase: Fuses don't stop burning until they've burned it all.
And as a reminder, I make out best financially if you download a copy via CDBaby: (*you can now purchase downloads from the official Random Hubiak website*)
But I also make out fairly well if you order a hard copy directly from me (private message me and I'll PayPal invoice you $5 to send you a copy -- that will cover shipping and handling as well, and you'll get a tangible piece of history to hold onto!).
But of course you can also download a copy from the benevolent overlords at iTunes... I'll still get paid, albeit considerably less, and you'll have my music to share.